it was unheated when they arrived, and cold in the miserable. -- cold and miserable. i heard a lot about it. i read about it. it was an amazing experience. the man who was supposed to be in charge had a nervous breakdown, so instead my father was the number one. he hated it. it was very hard to run people. people, particularly when they are deprived of things they are used to, can become difficult to deal with. some women were fighting about an egg a week. my father hated those kinds of things. his forte was not dealing with petty squabbles about eggs. he did start a university. they went out to play baseball. >> my father's baseball bat from that era is in the hall of fame. grace: that is wonderful. blair: ont he right. >> thank you. i was wondering if senator kennedy from massachusetts was jfk? grace: yes. blair: are there any other questions? you have time for a couple questions. if not -- charles, do you have anything you wanted to add? >> thank you, grace -- in reading the book, there was an important date, may 19, 1987, which was the day that the day in the life