the point is i think unless we get a consensus, and i think this is what mark was aiming at, unhez we get a consensus, the politicians aren't going to respond. they don't lead. they find parades and they get in front of them. a and -- [ applause ] so my experience is that somebody's got to start the parade. but right now, it's going in the wrong direction. i mean, there's a very serious argument going on in this town although i this i it's been lost from a housing standpoint, but there are many people who say that home ownership is a bad thing economically, that it's not a good thing for the country that we put too many resources into housing, that people don't know what they're doing by investing so much of their consumption in if the housing. this is the standard economic analysis in this town and through much of the country about housing. this is what those of involved in housing for the last 30 or 40 years, we've been having this argument for a long time. we won for most of that period of time. we're now losing. unless that argument is turned around, congress is not going to do an