i'm going to bring an unholistic approach and i'm going to irritate people. issues facing this city are affordability, displacement, neighborhood character shth historic preservation, retail and business landscape and live ability. i want to ensure that we stem the loss of our diversity, our sole and city's core. i feel it's happening too quickly. diversity to me, means income diversity, people diversity and cultural diversity. when we full lever in the same way to try to get the same outcome is dangerous. i don't think we have an approach to say how we are going to work in the future. i feel every city has some responsibility to say where we are going to go. we all own it. my experience and accomplishment should stand on their own. i would love toen attain any questions on it. i ask you for your support today. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you mr. chair and thank you mr. richards. i'm very excited by this nomination and surprised that this president would appoint you or at least put your name forward.