his idea was, "let's stick with isndevopli, uniature public for this story, report it." >> how are news organizations working wihitin content d inn?el david kurtz of talking points memo says what is different now is the relationship with the reader or the viewer, that it's got to be a conversation, he says. >> itis meinneth there's resistance to it from people who ha de in ter way before, and i'm curious from the panel whether the resistance atouacssn yi to adapt these new techniques is focused primarily within the editor community or reporters emlv, does it stretch across the organization? cree, where is the resistance? >> i'm sorry, the resistance to? tisnctohi relationship. >> oh, old folks like me. ha ha ! young people just embrace this so fast, you know. and i think it reminds me of the first time that we rolled a tribune company television set into the neroom. it was like, "oh, what tt indog re but then when reporters found out br phone calls returned because they had been on tv, our all-news cable channel, then they loved it. same thing when eyrohtheir cpurs in, and i keep a coup