our vessel is disengaging from the unicomplex. we're setting a course for grid 5-3-2. state our purpose. assimilation. our presence is not required but i thought the experience would be a rewarding one for you. ecies 1-0-0-2-6. how many life-forms? 392,000. you're experiencing compassion-- a human impulse. you've forgotten what it means to be borg. it's been a busy week. the cube linked with another borg vessel and received over 50,000 new drones. we now begin the dangerous task of identifying the newcomers. species 6961... ktarian... tritanium infrastructure. he's a tactical drone. take a look at his proximity transceiver. let's check his previous designation. unimatrix one. i want to keep an eye on this one. let's tag him. bring me the subdermal probe, will you? is he special? veryspecial. we think he used to work near the borg queen. if he ever goes back there... we'll be able to track him now. does the queen have a throne? nobody knows. we think she's more like the queen of an insect colony. e helps coordinate all the other drones. (alarm buzzes) his regeneration c