north korea has unicorn technology. ghter) they said i was crazy when i called far glitter defense shield armed with ballistic sparkley stickers. (laughter) folks, this brings me to threat number two, commie unicorns. (laughter) this is a huge boon to north korea. and not just because someone there has finally found a source of protein. to make this earth-shattering discovery, north korean archaeologists had to travel 200 meters from a temple in the capital city pyongyang and then look down to see a rectangular rock carved with the words "unicorn lair." (laughter) it makes sense it's labeled, how else would the mailman know where to deliver the rainbows? (laughter) folks, listen to me here this has dangerous geopolitical ramifications because it gives historical legitimacy to the regime of kim jong-un by linking him to an ancient ruler who according to korea's history books road a unicorn and, as a key qlan, he road it gangnam style. (cheers and applause) one second, i just want to write down the last time i am legally a