weorked to f with e state's mast pl, and th present it, and it t funded saders: rit now, t way elocatio typical happein the unid stateswe rely anndividuabuy-out del, anso, i othewordssomeone rees some mpensati to goive somewherelse, but in dog so, wdo losthat cutural faic, so wdon' really kw if we n move people clectivelas a gro eaper anmore effiently than iividuals comaelle: the's ry lile posite in t form of settleme of pele. you know,overnmentsust don't do it wel we prested a dierent mol, communy-design, mmunitdriven. i ink tha wa, hud loed on thatnd said, "et's try i. let's try a ilot proam, see if we n figurout how do thisn a aller sce so we n change it for--we have many communies in the u.sand abroathat's facinghese sam clite issue and i thi th's whso many peple are watcng, becae 'sike, "okcan we rlly t this ght?" cause wenow hoimportanit is fothe fure of t wor to get right unet: tre'a reali there that don't like, b it's somhing that i ve to fa up to cause, u see, had to therand make decisioto ave a ple that's alws been ho for 7r 8 genetions, and thatasn'easy to t go of, a, in fac in spitof answerinthat qu