it was from a unifamreport called "not a minute more." and it has been cited throughout the world. thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any other memberswish to comment on items no. 4 and 5? seeing none, public comment is closed. [ gavel ] supervisor avalos? >> >> thank you, chair. i always fertilize to turn the microphone on the thank you, chair farrell and appreciate the district attorney and public defender and budget analyst and all the work in our office and i know we're operating with scarce resources and we have huge demand on our efforts and skill and i want to acknowledge that moving forward. i want to thank a lot of advocates and people working day in and day out to fight against domestic violence. working with victims and their families, that work is often not recognized as it should be in the city and the contributions that you are making are great and save lives. thank you for your presence today. i have long been someone who has been try saying that the city needs to be do more to support domestic violence victims and make sure that i will support aspects of t