"whoever ddesgned the terps football uniforms is brilliant..the uniforrs are so distracting, tte hurricaneso o! the crowd's the 12-th man.. consider these new terp's "duds" the "13-th man"!" man"!"kevin - "put a red nose on them & they look like clowns. downriiht embarrassing.. embarrassing."ashhey - "i love them! they scream maryland!!!!!!!!" ((toos to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) imagine a bunker complete with a hospital operating room ann enough air to live underground for 3 years. years.now see it for yourself... coming up where this elaaorate... and expensive bunker was discovered. dissovered.and have you seen this dog? one maryland family is pulling out all the stops to find hii... just how much tthy've spent so far in thee search for sassafras. you're watching fox 45 ggod day baltimore. happening now... a neww conference is unnerway inn texassabout several wildfires that are burning through the area. let's isten in. incredible shots of smoke billowiig from wildfires in texas.this video from near &paustin shows just how thick the smokk is that is moving across the rea. firefight