. >> and says uninhab tabl and made a caretaker cottage for the person that takes care of the milllemill. here it is and theh mill and the marry christmas and you have cake for you. the south one was bigger and the murphy mill built in 1908. the largest wind mill outside of hol land and recently taken apart and shipped back to hlollhol land and they called me other day and the sprinkler and the building and it's constantly moving and it vibrates and you have to isolate them. sutro bath was the largest swimming area in the world and it was - it had 20,000 bathing suits for rent just to give you an idea of the size of this thing. it had restaurants and -- >> different pools and different hot water pools, different cold water pools. this was for the poor. the rich it their own pipe from sutro that pumped water all the way down to the private clubs like the elk club, the metropolitan club and marines memmal and they had silent watesaltwater swimming pd everyone else went to the baths and the thing to do was go swimming in a salt water pool particularly heated. >> healthy. >> i remember going