so going from relatively unintrusive to very intrusive.d to say our digital watches have more computing power than the early computers and unfortunately your smartphones and ipads and i'm using to look at my notes right now are vastly more complex and capable. and so you get this combination of sophisticated analytical techniques, and then subversion of technical hardware and software. you have heard about content chaining in the 215 data base where they look at these phone numbers called these phone numbers, these phone numbers called these. those all can be implicated once you have everyone's calling records. and there's other things like covert analysis where people on the same train, a target may be implicated as well. we are all creatures of habit and i see the same people on my train all the time. so there's a big opportunity for what we call false positives identifying someone for suspicion when we shouldn't have a suspicion. the last thing i will mention this when we get to, when we talk about less intrusive and increasingly intrus