ferries concern and sound like the deck is within normal limits it sounds like it is very uninvasive visiblely so i think this is a good edition. >> commissioner moore. >> move to take dr and move with modifications and proposed. >> second. >> is that what the - and the plans that have been presented to the commission are the latest rendition no request for the commission to take discretionary review you can not take dr and . >> i'm following the instruction thank you for correcting that. >> so moved to approve. >> i stand corrected i stand corrected. >> this is because the original notice plans was a large plan commissioner moore you're correct the latest rendition they reduced the massaging it wasn't required to be renoticed you're taking discretionary review based on the latest rendition. >> for the applicants we're approving the permit so big it is confusing but rest assured it is approved as modified your plans are showing it. >> commissioners for clarification the motion to take dr and take it as modified the last set of plans priority by the project sponsor. >> commissioner antonini. >>