to be dining at another restaurant this evening and when they heard you were joining me, we were uninvieted. should i be concerned? >> this is a country of corruption. you are in a very unsafe situation. everybody can press you and destroy your business. >> kritices of the government. bad things seem to happen to them. >> yes. unforchew flatly, it's existent to represent russia in 19th century. not the 21st. >> sitzing here in the booths, the curtain, it seems lost in time. >> we got a long history. but it's one of the things that i love about this place. you can't deny the burden of the past. it's right there. america chooses to deny. >> i'm not hereby on this planet to do the same thing every week, given the opportunity. i had 30 years of doing the same thing every day. eggs benedict, eggs benedict, eggs benedict. so given the opportunity to tell different things 234 different styles, i'm going to do that. and the freedom is a fantastic privilege that i'm really grateful for. very aware of and very grateful for. but what that means is maybe, really like last week's episode and this week y