that was through union dews. -- dues. all that goes out the window. i was asked to pull wire, put in pie. it was done by standards established over years. you have identified who you will be up against, working next to. safety and quality will erode. it will not play good for customers and business owners. and it will not play well for the employees. the average person in the right to work state makes basically 5,000 less a year than those in a state that does not have right to work. >> but in what you are saying is true. won't the big contractors be on your side. won't the big building outfits say look, we like the way it's been going so far, because we have trained workers on the site. don't you have other allies besides the workers themselves? >> ray, in this recent battle for right to work. we had 450 contractors in the wisconsin contractors coalition that publicly came out to oppose this. some of our biggest contractors in the state with 10,000 employees that employed people doing roadwork, piping, infrastructure came out and opposed this publicl