of genre from one topic to another. the most famous people from barysauskiy kalarytse master, viktar byalov, graduate of minsk glebauki, a member of the union of masters of belarusin all genres, my love. here at the exhibition there is a constant change in improvisation on theatrical themes. theatrical is such that there is such fun, zest in life, well , that’s how it has to be, because let’s say, if you paint only still lifes, well, i don’t know, it’s boring for the artist himself, probably the audience will become bored later, the king and the jester is not the first time for me already, i had eagles in past years, iryna. menavita at the barysauski exhibition the scholars learned about the punishments from the raion bible, received the stolen books, masthas, and just kept on going. fate worked out, we met each other, and now for 20-odd years, we have been together all the time, all the time in creativity, all the time in art, all the time we welcome autumn with azyava, because borisov’s flavor is very special for us sincere, interesting, wonderful... a place where you can show your work, meet friends, colleagues, your wife gives advice, criticism, even this is