. >> haven't worked at a union shop, being in the union, gets in the way of advancement, because if the policy is last hired, first fired, what kind of incentive is there for you to work really hard to get ahead and what kind of incentive is there if there is a strict stewart tour how you move up -- structure how you move up in the company. >> you have to admit, adam, union membership in private corporation operations is down dramatically and there has to be a reason for that. >> there is all sorts of reasons for it. part of which, but, we could trot out other statistics about how the industry, where unions traditionally have been strongest, being down over several decades, is neither a good thing or a bad thing, just a fact of life. and what is interesting, gary k. started out the segment talking about the added costs that unions bring to the process and you pointed out, charles, that companies all across the country are producing training videos, to encourage their employees, not to support unions and they could save money by not producing -- >> patricia brought up, more importantly t