the unid states, which--i don't know how many members it has, but in the hundreds of thousands, big unionon--with mondragon, the corporate--that huge, successful worker's self-directed entterprise in spain. and i remember many of us were taken aback. "what an interesting idea. an alliance." what did it mean? well, the details were hard to come by. it seems as thougugh there was discussion, obviously, between them. they issued a joint press release and had a press conference. but it's hard to tell, so i'm now going to imagine where this might go. i'm not saying that's where they're taking it. i don't know exactly where they're goingng to take i, or even whether they're going to take it somewhere, but here's what i would do. imagine a trade union movement with a completely different strategic idea from what it has typically been. unions have tytypically been organizations who make it possible for workers, instead of bargaining individually with the employer, to get particularr conditions of work. the union bargains for t the workers collectively. collective bargaining. and so it enters into a