deal among those i'm free to mention now please the expected contract between united aircraft corporation and united engine corp these are two russian companies that plan to sign enamel you on their purchase so if new p.t. fourteen agents for the new m s twenty one aircraft but the chair is an innovative and highly important project it is because it will provide contracts for the enchants that will be produced in two thousand and fourteen and twenty fourteen and installed on the planes that will be needed in twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen but yet many parameters will become clear their characteristics their products and their is delivery terms this makes it much easier for the corporation to launch these products on the market this year as they did with this you know i have been following news from the recent air show in paris but he told me he's i may be wrong but i got an impression that the business is dying out in the united states and europe. we end the lies that turned on the markets which soon more than half of all flights worldwide would be departing from or landing in china. like oh is it true tha