the united fruit company did not invest in product reproduction.e soil was depleted, then it was simply abandoned and moved to fresh plantations, most often cutting down tropical forests. interestingly, the board of directors of the company included the former cia director walter bedlt, this corporation was engaged in the export of agricultural products from the caribbean to the united states. a and they had huge profits and revenues and so huge that they could influence the foreign policy of the united states of america, e , the notorious corporation that actually became famous mainly in central america for the direct actions of creating direct armed forces that overthrew the sovereign tamales of honduras in el salvador, when and where it pleases this transnational corporation, the classic of latin american literature is roman mommy, young, ironically called latin americans, united fruit company, i must say, where all the unceremonious, completely brazen actions of american monopolists to the detriment of the sovereign rights of the people of cent