anti doping agency is claiming it's gotten no record of what happened maybe you can shed some light on this. well the united kingdom anti doping agency has now found itself right in the middle of what's being described and dumped as the latest scandal in british sport so it comes of course as these allegations have now surfaced surrounding the investigation of an abnormal drug test all over cyclists during the london 2012 olympic games so much so the world anti-doping agency is now weighing in and launching an investigation some of the information provided to wada on this is of significant concern we have asked our independent intelligence and investigations department to look into this matter and to conduct u.k. and to do going to seek further information so it's claimed that the u.k. a d that's the u.k. anti doping agency and the porting responsible for policing clean sport domestically actually allowed british cycling to conduct its own probe after an individual provide a sample of unusual amount of nandrolone that's a banned steroid in and out of competition drugs tests now the plausible explanations go from va