changed for those at the b d b d camp now a solar powered bore hole set up by the united nations high commission for refugees hans groundwater to almost $500.00 households now if it believed you having at least the b.b.q. for tops we if you see that if you what i did to you that's 2 am the only one possible yes people i know you will it is save you any time you want to get what that. the pump supplies water for b d b d s 200000 refugees and their host communities once the aid agencies move on they should be able to keep the water flowing. in the whole process the couple is to building part has been very very vivid whereby the partners have been fully trained. the host communities are been fully trained to be able to take care of such facilities in terms of our transmission whereby in future if there is for your persons are to move away the hosting come to should be able to take care of such facilities and see them for more generations to come. now that ash as a law doesn't have to spend hours collecting water she can use have time to generate a small income. probably the most water that we have in the community r