parcels contain a residential use. of those, most of them are multi-unit, similar to the project before you. as many of you know, a 194-unit mixed use the building is under construction at 1880 mission street, also known as the mission gardens. unless there have been some drastic changes to the program, there are 46 veterans on six level -- bedrooms on six levels of occupancy. only 58 feet away from our property, directly abutting another unit. residential use is it principally permitted use. for those reasons, i believe that the infilled project is necessary, reliable, and consistent with a mixed used development pattern of the area and compatible with the other residential units under construction. my client bought the property in 2004. they submitted their first publication in 2005. in 2006, they were instructed to wait for the rezoning of the eastern neighborhoods plan. in 2009, three years later, the plan was finally adopted, and residential uses -- again, it is a principally permitted use in the new zoning district. in 2010, we received a letter from planning staff encouraging us to pr