program selma a established in the south of market neighborhood in pales in comparison with the united playaz we've clatd compensated the pathway as part of the program our development team including the representatives of the building and construction trade have trained the youth to help them with the opportunity in construction it's been an honor to work with the merchant and residents over the past years and look forward to continue with those relationships their insights and comments have helped to shape the development one what stroirp sdienld to introduce our architect with the proposed plan thank you for your time and i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is glen i'm grateful to have this opportunity to present 1550 market street as you can see the site is a mid market operational the intersection is van ness and math that has become an important area for urban growth and residential development within the area presently on the site 3 vacant structures which will be removed and clear to allow for the development for a hundred and 9 residential