you're aboard the united spaceship enterprise. your vessel is in tow. i remember a voice... did i hear it say i had been sleepepg for two centuries? that is correct. where is your captain? bridge. i have a patient here with many questions, captain. on my way. james kirk, commanding the starship enterprise. i see. and your n ne? i have a few questions firs what is your heading? our heading is starbase 12, a planet in ththgamma 400 star system-- our command base in this sector. is that of any use to you? and, um... my people? 72 of f ur life-support canisters you will revive them. as soon as we reach starbase 12. i see. and now... khan is my namam khan--nothing else? khan. what was the exact date of your lift-off? we know it was sometime in the early 1990s. i find myself growing fatigued, doctor. may we continue this... questioning at some other time? the facts i i ed, mr. khan, will take very little time. for example, the nature of your expedition-- jim... a little later might be better. captain, i wonder if i could have something to read during my convalescence. i was once a