adl's most recent audit of antisemitic incidents in the united states recorded more than 2100 instance of harris mint and [inaudible] an increase of 12% over the previous. you're a center has been victim to other horrible online threats including a series of four sets for threats, which were swiftly dealt with by the fbi. just this week, as we were trying to give out free food families with children, a woman was volunteering on the [inaudible] drive to turn to be onset, rabbi, i don't think this is safe. anyone could drive to hand cause form. trying to reassure her, i responded, you might be taking this to fight. someone can also do harm on your way. and she responded, i'm not afraid at home. i'm afraid here. the united states must help its citizens be protected so they can practice their religion freely. indeed, this is a cornerstone of the founding of this great nation. it's highly visible george [inaudible] synagogues and [inaudible] across the u.s., over 2500 centers in all 50 say state, more than 200 in the state of florida alone, the chabad movement represents and just regularly responsible for