ten years ago you published the united states of arugala. it got obama elected twice. l us how it came to be that book and the short story. >> my narrative ebbing oas a bit of mitchell's which is that i felt like mitchell did that i was obsessed with food and not sustenance for the under 40's that may sound absurd, rom aib and iceberg were not just new but mind blowing, this is the best thing ever and no one had written a comprehensive cultural history of how this happened and who are the people that made this people happened. authors are insufferable narcissists. i won't fog everyone else's time. i am just going to do bullet points of amazing way that it's only gotten bigger in the last two years. the recipe page guy in "the new york times" to 2011 to 2015 op-ed page writer. and then moves to california. the obamas who were not in office when my book was published bring pham to bring nutritional adviser. you have a president and the first lady not sidelining food but center of policy. 10-year decline of soda. i never thought that in my lifetime we would see the needle