the unitedfrom states department of justice and white house are inventing further inquiry into the allegations. if you are in the public and watching billions of dollars that have been reported lost or have just vanished and you see gag orders, is that accurate? onwithout commenting wikipedia and the source of the thatnts, i had not heard comment or characteristic. i can talk with the general work. the department of justice is a limiting those gag orders. as an ig, when i do work that involves misappropriations of funds or embezzlement. any kind of fraud. if we find that there is evidence that supports the finding of fraud, the first thing we do is consult with the justice department. the prosecutors. we say that, this is the evidence we are finding. is this of prosecuted interest? is there a way to move this forward? is there a way to make this succeed? prosecutor decides that they're going to take that on, the justice department has its protocols for those cases. criminaluse the justice system, which can involve grand juries and involvents, which can confidential informants and the use of se