but there the unitedstes serving life jug at such. supreme court sentences for crathe amendment and the courtno, nopunishment to sentee imprisonment for first-time offense try he world does uch a idea that the and instead sy ofn our life, of ourbut only some of urs thoe livearack obama himself has admi drug use in lifeti. he's admitted to using andn' been raised by wh hamandiyah, if he hadne much of hisdrg whte colleges and candic raed in the hood, the odds beeg president of ten have the right the street he lives got is abour young people so they eams and jt build on behalf of ll the people what we imagine course bs creating safe places isn't going b as in the days o s enough oough to open hearts.ebue sendingf mass asmean the war on drugs once andifto ah model for drug addiction and drug abuse stopped investing billions dollars blocking people jaills r than inv to endeatnt and dirimination against people released from e the sic human rights shelter, food, and lasthift froe ly deing with violence andties to a more restorative seriously