in the day's other sews, the unittes recognized venezuela's opposition leader as interim president.came as juan guaidored he had replaced nicolas maduro, the nominal president. maduro quickly broke relations with the u.s. all of this, as thousands of opposition supporters marched in caracas. we'll get the details, afterhe news summary. in afghanistan, the main intelligence agency says an air strike has killed the talibande commwho organized a deadly attack on monday. the taliban is disputing the claim. monday's assault killed at least 45 people at a complex for the national security directorate, west of kabul. pope francis arrived in panama late today, beginning a trip to central america. he is expected to address thousands of young people, attending world youth dayev ts. the pontiff is also warning against fear of migrants, as a new caravan makes its way toward the united states. back in this cntry, a nurse s charged today with raping an incapacitated woman at a long-ar termfacility in arizona.ce phoenix poay nathan sutherland was identified through d.n.a. testingr the 29-year-old