international maritime organization, international civil and aviation organization, and the universal postal union. we are leading efforts to help improve the security of operations across the global supply chain, to raise international standards, and foster systems for trade recovery globally. the written testimony outlines these efforts in greater detail. let me close with the final thought. the global supply chain system is an interconnected multisystem highly complex. it encompasses foreign and domestic ports, transportation systems, conveyances, and infrastructure. its stength is its ability to deliver goods and sustain our daily lives on a near realtime basis. that system continues to grow in scale and importance, and so we must recognize today that without a doubt disruptions to this system will happen, and we must think anew on how to best build in not just efficiency, but security and resilience as well. our new national strategy for global supply chain security presents a blueprint for change while building on efforts and infrastructure that's been in place for some time. we encourage ot