flights will be unaffected. max blake office is the chairman of the environmental studies at university of colorado board. he says, the world will be watching how successful this plan will be. so this is going to be a test case for many other countries to potentially fall. wow, this material impact is quite minimal. really just 2 percent of global c o. 2 emissions come from ation. i am just canceling 3 flight routes as minimal and mature ways, but in symbolic ways. this has a lot of purchase that the ways in which this then generates conversations, much like the one that we're having right now can open up further possibilities for mission cost, emissions cuts, elsewhere. it's about a 3rd of c, o, 2 emissions. when you travel from place to place by train versus buy, uh, airprint. and so that's one way to think about as a train travel is a much smaller fraction of our global c o. 2 emissions that everything does count. and the ways in which we get from place to place does matter. and transportation overall contributes somewhere in the range of a quarter to 30 percent of global emissions. what i think is re