of judicial cases you have to do some basic thinking. improving the judicial knowledge of all judges by using the capacity of the university of food sciences and strengthening jihadist forces. there were two other recommendations of the leadership to the officials of the food system. ayatollah khamenei, expressing his concern about the lack of speed in dealing with the cases of detainees and as a result the prolonged period of temporary detention of people, said: the task of such persons should be determined sooner so that no one will be in prison due to the prolonged processing of the case. not be placed the leader of the revolution is also basher behlain. being a problem of some prisoners with debts, they added: some people, if they are in prison for the rest of their lives if they are in prison, they do not have the power to pay their debts, and this problem must be solved. emphasis on judges' reference to domestic laws and not western human rights sources, the continuation of field visits by the head of the food agency, and the follow-up of promising decisions made during these visits were other points of the leader of the revolution's