particular -- early august 1916, the chappie had lunch with was the professor of biology at the university of manchester who was a white russian. he had lunch. was serious. talking about all sorts of things. toward the end he became very excited and said, incidentally, i have invented a new technique for producing a very large quantities of acetone. scott had no interest and had never heard the word before. no interest in it. he was courteous pretty fired away this-affirmation. and then the next tuesday he happens to be in london where he was having lunch with the -- with david lloyd george was the minister of munitions in the british war cabinet. he went on and on about the desperate state of things and how we could not fire our guns because we did not have any cordite because we have run short of acetone. this was the second time in the week he had heard this word. the light went on. he said i met this funny little chap last week declined to be able to produce acetone and large quantities. he came alive. is it true? did he appear to be a crackpot? no. he seemed very nice. well, we better have him down