but up until now, it had been thought that only four copies existed until a search at the university of munich stumbled on to this one. >> the 19th century music library and bound two prints together, and at that time, they did not know about the significance of this map. therefore, it was kept here, and no one knew about it. >> now, they do. and just in time for american independence day. bbc news. >> more than half the votes cast in the next election will be recounted after inconsistencies were found with the voting. the leader of the left party, manuel op -- obrador, has asked for a recount. the leader has denied that there were problems with the vote. >> thinking for granting us this time. the counting process here in mexico is still underway, and your opponent has already called for a recount. >> i am the president chosen by the vast majority of elections. clearly, but the process continues. after the polling day, there is another count. that begins today, and it will be completed by sunday. but where there is no doubt is in the expression of the majority of mexican society, where evident