she's a senior research fellow at the university of namibia and i just want to put things into context. here is what we're hearing a familiar tale here in a me be are, or in the larger african context. what are the figures say, a tennis pregnancy is indeed a serious concern. globally, then ambien government have what we call the a indication monitoring information systems, where unwisely, the schools must be able to indicate to what has happened to those learners who are not returning rates. a significant number of the learners that are not coming big. i actually do to pregnancy, so early in there you can seed around 40 percent 40 percent since while learners are not returning to school. wow. ok. i want to speak to where is he west yet he is out. west is a traditional dancer. he would consider himself a traditionalist, you can see from his jewelry, but you also grew up in areas like this, you know, informal settlements and you're actually working with youth in these areas. why is the rate of teen pregnancy so high? a lot of kids are being approached by adults or bit may be bigger boys