damascus. joshua alone, this is direct to of the sense of the middle east studies at the university of oklahoma. he says that the rest of the violence in syria this is very bad news indeed because it demonstrates that the government is really not in control of the biggest was of what's going on in syria of typically on the coast. because many militias streamed out of northern aleppo and it live area to join in what was really a paroxysm of violence and, and i can say that to 3 of my wife's cousins. we who we've spoken to so far, all of them had their houses ransacked. people came to the door, knocked, demanded that they open opposite. they would have killed them if they did not. and, and asked if they were out of whites and then proceeded to steal every thing in their house, their, their jewelry, their watches, their phones, took the car keys and took their cars. uh this this is um they were just terrified and 11 cousin uh we talked to last night, havent been attacked yet, but she was, she was just could not stop herself from weeping. she was worried that people were moving in the neighborhood