of the study by three major universities are promising. for companies that participated in the trial, revenue increased and the health and well-being of the employees improved. joining me is adam rossnently. >> can i come work for you? >> my pleasure. >> thanks for being here. i love my job. >> and why did you you were going to make every weekend a three-day weekend. >> it was during the pandemic, when we saw the huge amount of pressure that staff workers were put under, the blurring of the lines between work and home, and having to do home schooling, and all of these things, we saw people getting burned out. we saw people were really struggling, so we decided that we were going to introduce what we called family fridays which was effectively a four and a half day week, and after a few months of seeing this, trying this, we saw the results, the company results were excellent, and people were, you know, they were much happier, and much healthier, and they really loved the benefit, and we decided, what elements of this enforced pandemic conditions do we want to continue going forward? what is our new vision for work? and we decided we would try a four-day week. and we gave the compan