and we're joined by market vill, who is a financial expert from the university of st gallon. so conrad, let's start with you. what are we expecting from the e? c, b today and their announcement? good morning, daniel. and good morning, mr. williams. frank gallant, what's expected today here in frankfort from the e. c. b is the announcement of a 2 year design phase, followed by a 3 year test phase for the new digital euro. and apart from this, we are probably not going to hear many more details because the details are the things to be tackled in the coming year. ok, let's go over to marcus now. as a consumer pain with a digital euro will be a similar process to pay by cards. so why would any consumer really be interested in adopting the new as of yet on tested currency? very simple because we will need to be digital currency is fossa and smart the old, normal money as we know. and as soon as more consumers will be in the things that when the cost and smart money, and that's why we need a digital central bank owned and regulated digital currency, i. e, the euro. ok, so central b