so she will assist you at the zambian historian and senior lecturer at the university of stalen bash in south africa. and he thinks the us needs to adopt a clear africa say no to disturbs, have never had in africa policy work that had a national geo political interest example. you're responding to the end of the product under such as china and russia. i think what is most the highest, i don't know what the one of the i think was lacking. you best response african actually find the strategy in my view for managing relationships with colleagues in the states, china and the union. and i would say the 3 main reasons for that is that the continent lacks a continental agency. we have african union. i think that body africa continue to struggle, probably unified, a position on entity. even though this did, by example, the little guy know done via should focus their counterparts in the region to have some kind of unique for me to say what issues are key to are really and editing present to that i doubt they did that. so the to operate the individual countries and the mind, dec, i do have som