university of southern and another trove at the smithsonian institution that the explorers had kept, especially explorer george allen hancock, who was an oil an oil mogul. his family. the library at tar pits out in laos angeles, hancock park, is named after his family, and he was the most important that would come the galapagos during this time period. and had files and files on these people, including all the letters that they had sent him. so once i got a sense of, oh, i have this voice, this voice. i have this point of view. and this point view. it just all started to come together. and i could see also reports their scientists had made of their. so you got a bunch of different perspectives, you know, that you make the narrative come together. oh, any other questions. yes. right. so which of the three exiled groups did you find the most sympathetic or entertaining. yeah, shocking to write about? and conversely, which one of the three groups did you find the least you know, they all they also surprise me at different times for, different reasons. four let me just start with the witmer family. hinds and margaret witmer, who came over after dorie frederick. they had heard about, you