university. he studied in kenya. worked as a lawyer for the company that makes gor-tex. he's also won local elections. right now, he's the county executive of new castle, delaware's largest county. and he's here to go one-on-one with us. mr. coons, thank you for being eye us. >> thank you for a chance to be with you, jessica. >> first of all, for much of the year, prognosticators didn't think you have had a chance to win. now you're the odds on favorite not only on the right but on the left. i bet you're getting a lot more calls returned? >> frankly, this is the same race today as it was two months ago. my wife annie and i have been hearing the same thing. folks are frustrated, they're anxious, they're angry. and they want to know what my plan is to get our economy back on track to restore manufacturing in the company. to deal with the deficit and spending. many that's what i'm focused on. i do have a different candidate running against me after the primary than the one i expected but it's still about delaware's needs. >> you have sparkling credentials, including you're a national debate champion. now, you're running against a woman who has