and by the way, just to the university of winchester and as for my background, well this, it doesn't really come as a surprise because those have been debated for a long time. there's been a bit of to and fro. there's been discussions where ship is price cap b and poland has been saying it's, you know, it's too high. this gives too much money to russia at this level it should be lower . and, but yes, so it's going to go ahead and essentially what we see is further sanctions on russia in the form of europe cutting off its opportunities of delivering, you know, receiving supplies of energy, supply of gas supplies, of oil and from, you know, reliable, otherwise reliable sources and cheap sources and then russia. so it's a european decision to impose restrictions on its supply. now the price camp is quite a ridiculous idea because you know, if you're the buyer and if you're saying, well where the band of something, let's say b mm w because we're going to impose a price cap on the price of being w. cause, well obviously you're free to do that. basically you say ok if it's more expensive th