the botanical gardens of the university of zurich, a favorite haunt of fall swan my and back he dedicated years of research to the issue of bio piracy while working for the n g o. public eye and says the international agreements are actually construed in a way that favors industrialized nations. in oil park is thus newer in europe. they say, i'm only obliged to abide by the nagoya protocol. if i go to the country of origin after it came into force and extracted through the resources there was done nor you the other thoughts, sir. dalton, household, the lender, the students in the, put the on the but countries in the south have a very different interpretation. yegell. nor you, they say, no, the rules must apply to any new you suit kennedy's, and that's a massive difference with you with ox, your knee thought that you says there, i don't need to ask, are compensate anyway? well, i can use it as i like without hoping to conserve biodiversity, abo mondays or even fought if you go by that rule done. there will only be a minimal amount of benefits sharing, meaning and a minimal amount of compen