as zeke explained to me, the universoul circus certainly has all that. >> we bring different people from china. we bring them from africa. we bring them from brazil. we bring them from france. jean claude -- he's out of france. we go to africa. we go all over the world. >> ♪ lean back, lean back ♪ i said, my...don't dance ♪ just pull up our pants >> what makes this circus different from other circuses? >> what makes it different to me is that it's more interactive. you're not just sitting out there, looking at the show. you actually become a part of the show. we get kids in the audience dancing. that's one of my thrills. >> as one of the cohosts, zeke interacts with the audience throughout the show. he even plays "simon says"... but with a bit of a twist. >> simon says, "open your legs like this. bend down." simon says, "arms out to the side." simon says, "wiggle your fingers like this." simon says, "swim like this." and we're going bump, da-dun, da-dun, da-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun, dun. and that's a swag surf. you got it. simon says, "swag surf." bow! alexis, you got it. >> [ chuckles ] >>