we can only accomodate at most 30,000 students on our campus total. "" the univesity's role as an afforadable insitution that provides a strong education may be changing forever. cs-u leaders are meeting today in sacramento to decide if these restrictions will go into effect. live on campus, michelle rivera update. update news has learned hat the university will terminate its current learning management system desire to learn -- or d-2-l. provost ellen junn told update news tht d-2-l costs the university 360-thousand dollars a year to operate.. a steep price considering the university's budget problems. she's organizing a committee to help determine which new system will save more money in the long run. ">>>my goal is, as n administrator as we face continued budget cuts is o ask how can we as a campus make a really informed decision about what are our options and wht's in the best interest of students and faculty."" among the other systems beinconsidered to replace desire-2-learn is moodle, which is used by ten other campuses in the c-s-u system. the other eleven campuses are using blacboard,