you see the lehman bankruptcy, couple days later you see the money market fund breaking the buck, unjablg to pay its investors a dollar a share. following that announcement you see that for about two days there about $100 billion a day was flowing out of these funds. within two days the treasury announced a guarantee program, the fed came in to support the liquidity of these funds and as you can see the run ended pretty quickly. so absolutely classic, classic bank run, classic response, providing liquidity to help the institution being run provide the cash to its investors, providing the guarantees and that successfully ending the run. but that wasn't the end of the story. remember the money market funds were also holding commercial paper. and as they began to face runs, they in turn began to dump commercial paper as quickly as they could. and as a result, the commercial paper market went into shock. this is a nice example how financial crises can spread. we had lehman failing, that cau to experience a run which toledo a shock in the commercial paper. everything is connected to everything