people to step forward under some pretty extreme pressures and being able to say, no i face this unjustice. i am undocumented and unafraid. >> well, actually, for me, really a huge increase. and the living wages are not really going up. it is really tough on low income people. i think, texas is the one, only one, in the whole united states who doesn't require workers compensation. and that's really created a gap. >> one of the stories that has impacted me is the story of santia santia santiago. rias, working on a roof wasn't given a harness, he fell several stories to the ground. with seriously -- was seriously injured, a quadriplegic now. two children. his employer didn't have worker's comp either. he had a $900,000 medical bill. he sued his employ year, but because he didn't have any insurance he was awarded $21 million. he has only seen $100,000, all spent on medical care. who is picking up the cost for him are taxpayers. and, you know santiago's wife, luckily married, cares for him, bathes him, feeds for him. he is one of the lucky ones. he lived. there are thousands of stories like hi