here is one other unlicenseed therapy, that is stranger but as an experiment i tried it, when a difference it ahead in my life. -- it made in my life, for years his crippleing back pain. >> i spend years on my back, doing phone interviews, whatever i thought lying down meeting less of a strain on my back, there was a report on my back pain i did years ago, i took x-rays to this doctor. i had real stuff, disk problems s a crack. >> yes, they are normal. john: normal? that is what that doctor said, he claimed movie of what orthopedists and other so-called experts say about back pain is wrong, i was skeptical, but he said, how come everyone got back pain after ulcers got cureed? back is a strong muscle, this is psychological, you don't have a physical problem, you have a psychological problem, he said, i resiveed that claim, but -- i resisted that claim, and i saw howard stern said my life of the filled with back pain until i applied dr. sarno's principles in a phaelter of week phaelter r of weeks my pain disappeared, we went to a lecture, then some other people he helped would speak out abou