it is very unliky to be effective.dtransparency and acountability and we are talking abt the irs, and it's e same thing. they are doing agood thing and they need to fix it and they need to have the information. edward snowden gave us informion. but what the government is ding in our name with our money. spume celerity challenging the businessodel in the aggregate, a highly concentrated and powerful gro that cold easily be facebook and apple and microsoft and others. did i mention facebook? these are some of the intellectuals, those that include contradictio ad we id there somethg else. that is thpolitics of those of the nsa and hose who are getting exercised about, you owthose who are really driving the virtual wold in ich we find great convenience and value. >> there are two reasons. one is that we are being shown this and it's differt from being investiated. lou: tha we ned about everyby. it is almost ubiquitous that everyo is being invaded with privacy in the corporate world. but there is a narrow smal number bein i