they now have less unmany ployment and a stronger dollar than we do. pain brings gain for people. and actually, america does not even need to cut to the point of surplus if we just reduce the deficit and slow the growth of government to maybe 1% a year we can grow our way out of this mess. but we have to cut now or we will end up like greece. so let's cut now instead of increasing debt ceiling so we can borrow more. that is my solution to the budget mess. thank you you for watching. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. service was very moving, wasn't it? yes, it was. i'm so glad we could be here for larry. at a time like this, friends and family matter most. even preparing this lunch is a help, emotionally and financially. mm, it's true. i was surprised to hear there was no life insurance. funerals are so expensive. i hope larry can afford it. i know. that's why i'm glad i got a policy through the colonial penn program. it gives me peace of mind to know i can help my family with some of those expenses. you know, i've been shopping for life insurance. do you think they hav